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I'm an enterprise architect at [http://www.thoughtworks.com/ ThoughtWorks] Australia. I've been in the industry since 1990, as a developer, tech lead, technical account manager, and architect.
[[User:Jagraham|See my user page]]
I've developed in many languages like COBOL, Fortran, C, C++, VB, C#, '''Java''', JavaScript, Perl, '''Ruby''', '''SQL''', and enough Haskell to be scared. I love data modelling and creating order out of chaos (and then creating some more chaos ;-)) I'm also a keen network topology designer, dabble with security, and work in our service-oriented system practice.
You may have recently heard me at the [http://www.architectureforum.net.au/ Australian Architecture Forum]. You'll see me chairing the upcoming [http://www.ark-group.com/home/events/event.ASP?EventID=0CD5BD30-31D1-4E2E-AD40-50D4178087F5&ShowDescription=1 Ark SOA conference], and helping to organise next year's [http://jaoo.org/conference/ JAOO Australia 2008].
TDD is the only way I can sit down in front of an empty text editor and create decent code - otherwise, the gravity of the whiteboard is unrelenting. Visio and PowerPoint are also my tools of trade - aaaarghhh!
I love CruiseControl - 'nuff said.
Check out my [http://grahamis.com/blog Virtual Surreality blog] for my rants on technology, poetry, and the French (all orthogonal).

Latest revision as of 21:50, 27 July 2007