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Present: Emil, Jason, Andy, Rob, Monica
Present: Emil, Jason, Andy, Rob, Monica
* How should you organize your test suites?
** During development?
** Different from when they are considered regression tests?
** Should they be weeded out
* end to end tests
** Should you even have them?
** How many?
** The test pyramid (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html)
* Having requirements docs and test case docs
** Very common, yet it's problematic; especially if they're at the same level of detail/abstraction
* Challenges with dispersed teams
* Clarifying tests with comments is not expressive? not expressive enough?
* You should be able to show your business people your test code...
** And they should be able to understand them

Revision as of 09:52, 24 August 2013

Present: Emil, Jason, Andy, Rob, Monica

  • How should you organize your test suites?
    • During development?
    • Different from when they are considered regression tests?
    • Should they be weeded out
  • Having requirements docs and test case docs
    • Very common, yet it's problematic; especially if they're at the same level of detail/abstraction
  • Challenges with dispersed teams
  • Clarifying tests with comments is not expressive? not expressive enough?
  • You should be able to show your business people your test code...
    • And they should be able to understand them