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CITCON ANZ 2013 Sydney Sessions
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10:00 Topics
- MultipleCdDiscussion
- DevOps and Testing
- Testing using robots
- Proxy Product Owner
- Testers are an endangered species
11:15 Topics
- Challenges in writing maintainable acceptance tests
- Improving In Corporate Environments
- NoMeansNo
- Scaling up CD - Case study from telecommunications
- Testing vs Checking
Lunch Topics
- Lean Coffee
2:00 Topics
- Jeff is angry at silo thinking and DevOps isn't helping
- Testing Lightning Talks
- Distributed automated testing for 300,000+ unit tests
- Ask a vendor anything - Jenkins and Bamboo
- Discussion on increasing automation - how best to deal with legacy code
3:15 Topics
- Automated Testing of Automated Tests
- ATDD in action - Live demo of automated acceptance testing
- Catharsis
- Challenges of testing and deploying at scale
- Selenium Best Practices
4:30 Topics
- Coding Dojos
- BDD from requirements to acceptance tests / Specification by Example
- How to get started with Continuous Delivery, especially for small teams
- More time for coffee - 5 (soft) steps to CD
- PerformanceTestingInAgile
Table View
# | 10:00 | 11:15 | 2:00 | 3:15 | 4:30 |
Hall of Justice | Problems adopting Continuous Delivery | Challenges in writing maintainable acceptance tests | Jeff is angry at silo thinking and DevOps isn't helping | Automated Testing of Automated Tests | Coding Dojos |
TV Lounge | DevOps and Testing | Improving In Corporate Environments | Testing Lightening Talks | ATDD in action - Live demo of automated acceptance testing | BDD from requirements to acceptance tests / Specification by Example |
Lunch Corner | Testing using robots | No means No - how to keep test failures meaningful | Distributed automated testing for 300,000+ unit tests | Catharsis | How to get started with Continuous Delivery, especially for small teams |
Ping Pong Table | Proxy Product Owner | Scaling up CD - Case study from telecommunications | Ask a vendor anything - Jenkins and Bamboo | Challenges of testing and deploying at scale | More time for coffee - 5 (soft) steps to CD |
Pool Table | Testers are an endangered species | Testing vs Checking | Discussion on increasing automation - how best to deal with legacy code | Selenium Best Practices | Performance Testing within an agile methodology |