Is SCRUM Evil?

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Scrum is evil because

- becomes and end in itself - an excuse
- "that's not scrum"
- treated as a silver bullet
- it hides poor estimation
- master as dictator
- master as project manager
- 2 days - certified!

More Evil

- Daily standup = Agile
- Agile by the numbers
- Dessert first - not worring about technical debt or CI
- You lose the baby with the bathwater
- scrum teams don't play well with others including customers
- it has certification
- it is the philosopher's stone


- scrum is iterative waterfall
- "I'm feeling sort of damp and ..."
- Scrum is the new RUP
- Jeffrey More - 'Crossing the Chasm
 - technology adoption lifecycle
- visionaries/early adopters -> early marjority (scrum has crossed over - makes early adopters sad)

Engineering Envy

- After the gold rush
- Other engineering professions have bigger budgets, more risk,  more formulae?
- Other engineering professions still have this pain - see the aeronautical engineer who built spaceship One for Richard Branson on lean methodologies
- Delays of Recent Boeing/Airbus Aircraft
- A lot of Agile stuff comes from bottom up - Scrum comes from Top down

Scrum is Good Because

- (not about how to get non-sucky engineers)
- people can get it
- an easy introduction
- a good starting point
- it is better than a cowboy shop people can actually follow it 
- improves visibility
- provides a forum for communication
- can engage customers in a much wider way


- Scrum is not evil - people are evil