Pairing Techniques
Live scribing - will update and tidy up later
Andy Parker: driver-navigator sitting back person has to have a notebook, bigger picture, what's the list of done criteria - list gets bigger and bigger driver thinking about next thing to type Need to agree when you're switching
AP: can be good when skills unequal
ping pong TDD cycle A writes a failing test, B makes it pass, then B writes another red test, then hands over to A who makes it pass
Jeffrey F: good when equal skills
AP: Doesn't work so well when teaching - learner tends to flounder
Ball and board One get keyboard, one gets mouse. keyboard user not allowed to move using arrows
Jeffrey F: designed and works well if mouse person knows code, keyboard user is learning
Similar to Han Solo (keyboard person who is doing hero work) and Chewie (just navigates and grunts)
Batting practise Like ping pong, but I write test, you write code, I write another test, you write more passing code
Q: What about remote pairing? Antony M: TeamViewer works well. On Mac, iChat successful (but used Skype for voice, and video didn't work). Connection speed matters a lot.
Jeffrey F: SubEthaEdit is a collaborative editor
AM: best with voice, video, and screensharing. put voice and video on 2nd screen on one side so you look "toward" the other person
Q: How do you get control of keyboard? A: Work same as when you have two keyboards and mice in person
PJ: Used corporate phone connection, shared screen from one bank location to another
JF: Much harder if you're learning to pair and doing it the first time remotely - feels terrible and unproductive (even more so than when learning it in person!)
Rachel Davies: Another problem is how to "overhear" other pairs - has tried using a common Skype or IRC channel
JF: Virtual conference rooms - could try putting all the pairs in one such room (each pairing and screensharing)
Mike H: Virtual worlds! Log in together to something like Second Life and have a virtual office
RD: State Farm trying various virtual world methods to do this - very expensive. Jane Chandler talked about this topic a couple of years ago at a conference. Could use games in virtual worlds to socialise.
Spike M: Used to work at Second Life. Gives a feeling of space. Was initially sceptical, but has tried pairing in-world and found it valuable.
MH: Can script things for your team - build monitor, flash world red when fails or time for lunch.
SM: Add a timer for group meetings.
Pairing sceptics, where it's failed
Benjamin M: When you are trying to learn tennis, you ask how someone does a great serve and as the person tries to show you, she find that she is doing it worse. Q: what to look out for, how do you help avoid this problem when trying to vocalise
PJ: Rubber Chicken explanation (explaining problem to some inanimate object can help)
BM: Verbalising may interfere - how do you make time to reflect
RD: Don't have to pair on everything - fine to go away for a bit and think
Andy P and JF: Don't write code during break, don't make it the usual way (or new folks will do all coding separately).
PJ: Go for coffee 4x per day - builds in time for reflection
AM, DS: Pomodoro technique, Kent Beck's drink water method
AM: Pomodoro: "You can interrupt us in..."
SM: Use WorkRave, forces you to stop every so many minutes