From CitconWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis is the list of people registered for CITCON North America 2015 in Ann Arbor Michigan, Oct 2nd & 3rd
To add personal information please RequestAccount then select your name to create an entry for yourself.
Alejandro Islas-Montantes
Amina Osagie
Angel Thomas
Babukumar Thannasi
Cheryl Orosz
Chris Little
Christine Bartel
Christopher Angove
Darnell McMurrian
David Johnson
Eric Charnesky
Hassan Murtaza
Ian Buchanan
James Kohn
Jason Yip
Jayni Shah
Jeffrey Fredrick
Jon Rush
Kanwal Narsinghia Narsinghia
Krishna Reddy
Lydia Tripp
Magnus Stahre
Marcos Cano
Markus Silpala
Mike Nitchie
Nayan Hajratwala
Nick Edmonds
Paul Duvall
Rob Park
Sam Calma
Sriram Padi
Stacey Fenton
Toby Tripp
Warnetta Sils
Yevgen Pashniak