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Multiple choice questions on feedback form where possible responses were Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree or No Answer.

Question : Median Response

My goal was served by attending this conference : Strongly Agree

I enjoyed attending CITCON North America 2007 : Strongly Agree

The OpenSpace format is appropriate for me : Strongly Agree

I used the "Law of Two Feet" during the conference : Agree

The location of the conference was convenient : Agree

I would come back if there is another conference next year : Strongly Agree

The session I liked most was:

Refactoring and Legacy Systems. -- Curtis Barnes

What Is The One True LanguageFor Writing Tests -- Jason Huggins, Elisabeth Hendrickson, Kevin Miller

Are the categories of Unit test, Integration test, Acceptance test, etc., still useful? -- Richard Jensen

Is RSpec Awesome or What? -- Jason Darling

What I liked most was:

Conversations with lots of people with different perspectives. -- David Gauthier

Meeting others with similar struggles -- Curtis Barnes

Talking! :) -- Jason Huggins

Hallway and bar conversations. -- Chris Turner

Discussions. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson

Interaction with others. -- Richard Jensen

What I liked least was:

Some people liked to hear themselves talk too much, some conversations were too theoretical. -- David Gauthier

Too many good talks happening at the same time (hard to choose between them). -- Jason Huggins

Venue. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson

Choosing which popular session I was going to attend. :-) -- Richard Jensen

Who Is Responsible To Implement And Manage CI? by me, because no one came. :) -- Jason Darling

For next time, I suggest:

Division between theory-session and practical. -- David Gauthier

One large group speaker (on Friday night?). -- Curtis Barnes

More hot water for tea. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson

Same format. Having people put up a bio that talks about their skill sets so people could talk to people who had experience with certain tools/apps. -- Jason Darling

Additional comments:

Thank you for creating CITCON! -- Jason Huggins

Great conference. -- Jason Darling