Multiple choice questions on feedback form where possible responses were Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree or No Answer.
Question : Median Response
My goal was served by attending this conference : Strongly Agree
I enjoyed attending CITCON North America 2007 : Strongly Agree
The OpenSpace format is appropriate for me : Strongly Agree
I used the "Law of Two Feet" during the conference : Agree
The location of the conference was convenient : Agree
I would come back if there is another conference next year : Strongly Agree
The session I liked most was:
Refactoring And Legacy Systems -- Curtis Barnes
What Is The One True LanguageFor Writing Tests -- Jason Huggins, Elisabeth Hendrickson, Kevin Miller
Are the categories of Unit test, Integration test, Acceptance test, etc., still useful? -- Richard Jensen
Is RSpec Awesome or What? -- Jason Darling, John Woodward
What Is After 100 Pct Coverage And Functional Tests -- David O'Hara
Code Metrics -- Paul Holser, Eric Pugh
Any of them -- William Zachary
What I liked most was:
Conversations with lots of people with different perspectives. -- David Gauthier
Meeting others with similar struggles -- Curtis Barnes
Talking! :) -- Jason Huggins
Hallway and bar conversations. -- Chris Turner
Discussions. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson
Interaction with others. -- Richard Jensen
Meeting everyone and talking tech. -- Maciej Zawadzki
Open space format & such amazingly bright folks. -- David O'Hara
Hearing other people's experiences. -- Michael Rousey
Open format made for very relevant topics, and allowed for going off-topic if the participants wanted to. -- John Woodward
The opportunity to network with passionate software professionals and learn tons. -- Paul Holser
The format & energy. -- Gary McCants
Everything -- William Zachary
Learning about Open Spaces, meeting people. -- Eric Pugh
What I liked least was:
Some people liked to hear themselves talk too much, some conversations were too theoretical. -- David Gauthier
Too many good talks happening at the same time (hard to choose between them). -- Jason Huggins
Venue. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson
Choosing which popular session I was going to attend. :-) -- Richard Jensen
Who Is Responsible To Implement And Manage CI? by me, because no one came. :) -- Jason Darling
Too short. Not enough time to be involved in everything. -- David O'Hara
I could not attend all the sessions. -- Michael Rousey
Long drive from my house (40 minutes), but there's not much that could have been done about that! -- John Woodward
Some folks too argumentative and sanctimonious. :) -- Gary McCants
Fishbowl concept; people shouldn't have to leave. -- William Zachary
For next time, I suggest:
Division between theory-session and practical. -- David Gauthier
One large group speaker (on Friday night?). -- Curtis Barnes
More hot water for tea. -- Elisabeth Hendrickson
Same format. Having people put up a bio that talks about their skill sets so people could talk to people who had experience with certain tools/apps. -- Jason Darling
More attendees. Too many vendors and organizers. These people should be here but not counted in the attendance limit. -- Maciej Zawadzki
You have it here in Dallas again. -- David O'Hara
Same level of lunch, drinks. will suggest to my company to help sponsor. -- John Woodward
Two days of sessions? -- Paul Holser
Archiving of all sessions. -- William Zachary
Additional comments:
Thank you for creating CITCON! -- Jason Huggins
Great conference. -- Jason Darling
Loved it!! Stayed longer than I originally though I would. Glad to finally meet Jtf & PJ and others. -- John Woodward
Woo! -- Gary McCants