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Lodging and accomodation information for participants to CITCON Paris 2009
Paris has lots of hotels, but they are not known to be budget-friendly. Here a few options that can help.
Plan your travels with the Paris public transportation system here: [1]. A good system, but it fails to tell you the price of the tickets (or the travel zones you are crossing).
The conference is occurring at ISEP: [2]
- Campings in Paris: [3]
- expect a good hour to get from the camping in the Bois de Boulogne to ISEP; also, while the area is well-known to families that want a walk in the woods, it can get quite dodgy at night, though I expect the camping to be just fine (Eric)
- Formule 1, Porte de Châtillon: [4]. At 40-45€, probably the cheapest hotel you can get in the vicinity, a view on the highway included. 10-15 mins to get to metro station Porte d'Orléans, then 15 mins by metro.
- not the ugliest part of Paris, but not great either -- still, for the price, it has a reasonable good location (Eric)
- FIAP Jean Monnet [5] is another cheap option, especially for those willing to share rooms. From 57€ for a single room to 26€ in a room with 6 beds. ~20 mins by public transportation to ISEP.
- Looks like a youth hostel, though not sure they officially qualify as one. Lots of groups of foreign youngsters there. Very professional. (Eric)
- Accor Hotels [6] has an excellent selection of hotels at medium prices in Paris
- those Marriott-inclined will have to go to the Marriott Rive Gauche [10], very close to FIAP Jean Monnet. Starts at 160€.
- Holiday Inn Gare Montparnasse [11]. ~250€