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Revision as of 00:20, 20 October 2012 by Douglassquirrel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "How deep to go in TDD? What do you mean by deep? Have to mock a lot, could have a million assertions [|Growing Object Oriente...")
How deep to go in TDD?
What do you mean by deep? Have to mock a lot, could have a million assertions
[ Object Oriented Software, Guided by Test
Feathers - Clean Room development, similar thinking about what your code should do but no tests
Have to have a mock for everything not in this class -> listening to code
Brian Marick, different types of tests in a quadrant Testing Quadrant
Jeffrey - earlier projects rescued by tests
- One project's code was bad, acceptance tests correct, rescued by running ATs and fixing
- Another project had good code in Java, porting to Ruby; ported tests first, then wrote code until tests passed, smooth process