People come and go
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People come and go - information transfer
- Default way: documentation
- Documentation doesn't: too long, outdated, not true, etc.
- Generated documentation
- Test names
- Javadoc
- meta documentation: directory structure, etc.
- Executable documentation
- unit tests
- BDD acceptance tests
- Output of executable documentation
- mostly plain text (TestDox, AgileDox) or HTML
- in certain cases it's worth generating visualizations based on tests (e.g. state transition diagrams)
- Video documentation: screencasts for bug reports
- Searchable documentation
- Substitutes of documentation: face time, talk, e.g. before a new feature is being developed
- Documentation is not the goal. The goal is that the other person understands something
- Documentation needs to be searchable
- generated documentation too
- executable documentation too
- Put documentation to the right place:
- (links to) trouble-shooting tips to system monitor items
- docs should go to the same repo as code goes
- The book "Specification by example" was referenced