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Revision as of 10:15, 30 March 2015 by Jtf (talk | contribs) (add more attendees for CITCON Europe 2015)
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This is the list of people registered for CITCON Europe 2015 in Helsinki, Sept 11th & 12th

Select your name to create an entry for yourself. Do not edit this page manually; edits will be lost.

Alex Hodler
Antti Forsell
Antti Miettinen
Cirilo Wortel
Douglas Squirrel
Fredrik Wendt
Huw Probert
Ivan Moore
Janne Piironen
Jeffrey Fredrick
Kjell Lauren
Mark Coleman
Michael Kuzmin
Mike Pountney
Mohinder Khosla
Olli Kulkki
Pekka Klärck
Ronald Doelen
Sukesh Mallepalli
Teemu Vesala
Tomi Juslin