Performance Testing in-the-small
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- Start measuring from day 1, not specific
- Try start with simple requirements, drift direction to somethoogin irrelevant is esay
- Run performance tests, keep an eye on it
- Each story is perf test, simple goals, eg. every single response time must be under 1s
- Daily perf test, automated:
- EC2 infrastructure
- Run CI (Cruise), build pipelines, deployment pipelines
- Comparing measurements between runs? Use baseline
- Maintaining data? Generated data for use in production
- Find the baseline?
- Testing the whole stack? Run the profiler, take a picture asap, take ages to profile analyze,
profile asap, collect the charts then go back into
- Get metrics back from production, looking for the present bottleneck
- Get metrics from BI tools, monitoring
- Different levels:
- Component
- System-level: establish a SLA
- Performance measurements on daily basis, easier w/ processing intensive applications
- Web => caching issues
- Define what you want to look at? Robustness, reactivity, brute force
- Issue: Perf test & CI
- Gettign top-down from system to component
- Unit-test does not make sense for perf level ??
- Acceptable response time => measure at the component level
- system level (does not) aggregate from component level
- Create a CI job to verify that a perf requirement is still available
- Run perf test on as close a production system as possible
- Tests take long time to run, long time to analyze, short time to fix
- The more of the system you test, the more time it takes: compromise between time to run and accuracy
- Create subsections to test specific aspects
- Test other portions
- Problems with interactions
- Careful when testing in isolations, hide things
- Instrument application in environment
- Ping message that goes through the system to collect metrics
- Pinging pattern
- Try to predict?
- Use CI: detect problems, write a test, fix a pb & put the teset in CI
- Cannot use tests as performance indicator, because they might not be relevant
- Relying on structural informations for measuring "response time"
- Developers not careful about log
- Missing user stories! Stakeholders are performance monitoring guys
- Perf tester is a stakeholder as important as a customer
- Tests can take a long time to run
- tests are independent